window.event has no value using href
I was calling a javascript function from the href property, but window.event was returning undefined.
When I rewrote the url using href=”javscript:void(0)” onclick=”js function”, this issue was resolved.
I was calling a javascript function from the href property, but window.event was returning undefined.
When I rewrote the url using href=”javscript:void(0)” onclick=”js function”, this issue was resolved.
I read The Poet a couple years ago and found it a bit over done. This one wasn’t as convoluted. Ending was a bit weak, but what are you going to do?
Gives a great account of the mindset of all the principals, from Mao to MacArthur as well as insightful analysis into the political processes for all involved.
At 600+ pages, I was a bit surprised that the last two years of the war were pretty much glossed over. Very little mention of the role of the air wing.
“Faced with the choice between changing one’s mind and proving there is no need to do so, almost everyone gets busy on the proof.”
Odd story that keeps you involved. Every time I see the author’s picture, I think “the horror”, but that’s another story.
Could also be titled “A boy named Crow”. Parker writes em, I read em. On it goes. Waiting for the cheeseburger installment.
Sequels can be disappointing and this was no different. Dull and disjointed. Even skimming chapters, I still couldn’t finish.
A disturbing and insightful work. Collection of interviews with veterans, primarily from Army and Marine units.