Jurassic Park
Good summer fodder.
Good summer fodder.
The Rod Carew of Detective fiction. Rarely strikes out and usually makes contact.
A early, weird and pretty good Spencer.
Just can’t connect with the “Get the President” genre. Managed to finish, more from being stubborn than interested.
Book sales are great to fill out what the library doesn’t carry.
Blocky in places, but keeps an even keel overall.
Besides ripping off Poltergeist and The Exorcist, this book reeks with pretension. So long, Ted.
Series getting long in the tooth, but good for filler.
A little jumbled and not that interesting.
A more interesting take on the Walton’s.
One of the best Civil War novels. With the 150th anniversary coming up, a timely read.
The Killer Angels: A Novel of the Civil War (Modern Library)
Something unique going on with the RBP legacy – Virgil and Everett take to the rails and the train rolls on.
Some of the tech heavy sections are dull, but who likes to waste research? A decent overall read.
A decent ride with some good hooks.
Common title for a rather odd series.
Author is a bit too smug for this middle of the road series.
This series is a little weak, but good for a couple hours of checking out.
Multiple narrators and a so-so plot make this a bit much.
Slogs in places, but no bad overall.
Author has a winning recipe, but the batter is getting a bit stale.